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Stay safe as a pedestrian


Walking beside busy streets in Louisiana can be dangerous if you’re not careful. When you’re a pedestrian, it’s important to keep your head up and pay attention to what’s going on. With so many distracted drivers on the roads these days, don’t let yourself become a distracted walker.

Use sidewalks whenever possible

While sidewalks aren’t available in all areas, you should use them whenever possible. If there is no sidewalk on just one side of the street, take the time to cross to the safer side. Also, try to avoid walking in areas where sidewalks aren’t available due to construction.

When you absolutely can’t avoid walking on a street without a sidewalk, you should walk facing traffic so that you can see cars coming. If possible, prepare ahead of time by wearing bright-colored clothing.

Avoid looking at your cell phone

It’s hard not to answer a call or text when it comes in, but try to avoid walking while looking at your phone. If you have to do something on your phone, just take a break so that you don’t become a distracted walker. While you’re looking down at your phone, you could walk into traffic by accident or fail to notice a negligent driver until it’s too late.

Pay attention to drivers at intersections

When using a crosswalk at an intersection, it’s important to pay attention to the drivers and make sure they see you. Be careful of drivers that want to turn right on a red light, as this action leads to a lot of pedestrian accidents. A good rule of thumb is to try to make eye contact with drivers that you are crossing in front of.

Drivers are liable for hitting pedestrians

If a driver struck you while you had the right of way as a pedestrian, you can file a personal injury claim against the driver. In your claim, you may ask for financial compensation for your injuries.

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