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Going out tonight? Stay safe getting home with these tips


Everybody deserves to go out and have a good time on occasion, so if you’re planning on going out tonight, tomorrow or this weekend for a few drinks, enjoy yourself – but don’t forget about safety when you’re heading home.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 33% of all fatal pedestrian accidents involve a pedestrian who is legally intoxicated, and those numbers should make anybody who plans to walk anywhere after being at the bars a little nervous.

What can you do to make yourself safer?

First, consider your options. Walking home after a night of partying is definitely better than getting behind the wheel of your car, but you can also take a cab, an Uber, Lyft or call a friend for a ride.

If you must walk home, consider these tips:

  •     Plan your route home ahead of time, so that you can stick to well-lighted areas and crosswalks, whenever possible.
  •     Wear bright or reflective clothing, or carry a light with you so that you can easily be seen by passing cars.
  •     If you can, try to travel in a group. Drivers are more likely to take note of a group that’s crossing the street or walking alongside the road than they are solo pedestrians.

If you are hit by a car while you’re traveling home after a night out, it’s still most likely the fault of the driver that struck you. If your injuries are serious, you have every right to expect compensation for your losses. Let an experienced guide walk you through the claims process so that you can concentrate on your recovery.


The post Going out tonight? Stay safe getting home with these tips appeared first on Joubert Law Firm.
