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Do touchscreens lead to distracted driving accidents?


Technological innovations have made driving radically different from years past. The presence of multimedia touchscreens inside modern vehicles helps drivers in many ways. While there are several benefits to GPS and weather-alert programs, touchscreens present risks on Louisiana roads. Drivers more concerned with tapping a touchscreen might cause an otherwise avoidable collision.

Eyes on the road and not the touchscreen

Even slight distractions might result in motor vehicle accidents, and glancing away from the road to check out a touchscreen display provides ample opportunity for disaster. While paying attention to the road, other vehicles and pedestrians is common traffic safety sense, drivers may become distracted by their touchscreens. Infotainment systems have a lot to offer, and drivers might find the display impossible to ignore even when doing so could boost safety immensely.

Launching a podcast app may turn a dull commute into an entertaining one. Examining traffic reports could keep a driver away from road work or congested conditions. Regardless, these actions all come with the potential for distractions that may result in crashes.

Multimedia and its troubles

Statistics reflecting the dangers of distracted driving and multimedia displays are not slowing down manufacturers. Top companies are even promoting newer and larger multimedia displays in their luxury vehicles. As grander touchscreens emerge, drivers can expect the chances for accidents to increase.

Drivers relying on hands-free systems might think they eliminate risks. However, using a hands-free multimedia system doesn’t reduce the risk of distracted driving to zero.

Taking part in any activities that undermine safety could be negligent. Drivers caught operating a touchscreen before an accident may face a civil suit. An attorney may represent victims of distracted driving accidents and attempt to negotiate an insurance settlement on their behalf.

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