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Blunt-force trauma abdominal injuries and motorcycle wrecks


One of the most dangerous types of injuries that someone may suffer in a crash is blunt-force trauma to their abdomen. Any incident resulting in such an injury may cause patients internal organ damage and hemorrhages, both of which can put their lives in peril. 

Data published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in 2016 highlighted how an estimated 17% of motorcyclists who visit hospital emergency rooms (ER) after a crash each year have blunt-force abdominal trauma

How common is blunt-force abdominal trauma?

Head injuries and injuries to a victim’s extremities in a wreck are still more common, but abdominal injuries account for anywhere between 2.7% and 17% of hospitalizations after a wreck.

Are there certain risk factors for blunt force trauma injuries in general?

Motorcyclists lack the protection of the shell of an automobile that passenger car drivers enjoy, thus leaving them more vulnerable to a crash. Speed and a  motorist’s lack of driving experience may also give way to higher crash injury rates.

What body parts are most affected by blunt-force trauma injuries?

Study researchers discovered that at least 50% of all other patients who report to the hospital with blunt-force trauma injuries have head or extremity injuries. The researchers found that 5.4% of patients that ER doctors treat have injured spleens, whereas 4% have liver ones when they report blunt abdominal injuries.

The researchers also discovered that trauma is the leading cause of death of those who suffer blunt abdominal injuries. Hemorrhaging follows closely behind in second place. 

What options do you have if you or a loved one suffers blunt force trauma?

Individuals who suffer blunt-force trauma injuries who are fortunate enough to survive their incidents often find themselves requiring a lifetime of medical care. Louisiana law may allow you to recover compensation for your accident-related injuries. An attorney can advise you whether you qualify to do so. 

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